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Mrs. S is a widow whose children live out of town. Her daughter has an on-going drug abuse problem and her son has been unable to hold down a job.  Mrs. S knows she needs to create Durable Powers of Attorney to name someone to make health care and financial decisions if she becomes unable to do so, but cannot name her children.  Guardian Assist provides compassionate, client-focused professionals to be named in Mrs. S.’s documents who will advocate for her, based on conversations with her to learn her values and wishes. This can avoid the need for the appointment of a guardian and conservator.

Jennifer and Sarah were 17 and 19 when their mother fell down her basement stairs and suffered a devastating permanent brain injury. She did not have Durable Powers of Attorney and therefore a guardian and conservator had to be appointed.  Guardian Assist provides qualified professionals who will serve as guardian and conservator until her daughters are old enough to do so.

Mr. P is 78 years old and a polio survivor.  His aunt is 93, has advanced dementia, sufficient funds to remain in her home to pay for care, but has no Durable Powers of Attorney.  Mr. P does not feel comfortable due to his age and care needs to serve and wants Guardian Assist to provide guardian and conservator services. He wants to ensure his aunt receives personalized, professional services and allow her to remain in her home with appropriate care givers and not be neglected or exploited since she cannot communicate.  Guardian Assist’s ethical, individualized approach to decision-making will ensure a quality of life she might not otherwise receive.